Monday, September 26, 2005

1) I'm a back-up dancer on tour with Madonna, and we're in the middle of a performance, between songs, and we're changing costumes backstage. We're getting ready to go out to perform "Vogue" but someone has misplaces Madonna's costume, so everyone is really freaking out. I'm just sitting in the dressing room and then someone finds it so we finish the performance. We're in a different city, and we're performing this song where we're wearing these really weird gold outfits and jumping in and out of these doors on the stage, and I keep accidentally going in the wrong door. All of the sudden, all these people come in the arena, and they're all evacuees from the hurricanes. Madonna tells them all they can stay and see the show for free, and she even decides to start over from the beginning so they don't miss anything.

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